Parent Teacher and Friends Associations (PTFAs) up and down the country play an active part in school communities. They provide a great opportunity for parents and guardians to get involved the their child’s school and here at St Mary’s it is no exception.
Friends of St Mary’s (FOSMs) is our school’s PTFA. All parents, guardians and staff are automatically members of FOSMs and many villagers are big supporters of our school. Money raised from FOSMs events goes towards supporting our children at school. FOSMs regularly funds new equipment for classrooms and pays for many of the school trips throughout the year, taking the burden away from parents. All of this is made possible by the continued support of our parents and carers.
If you feel you would like to get more involved with planning and organising FOSMs events, or whether you feel you could spare some time to help out every now and then at an event, then please get in contact with a member of FOSMs. You can also find FOSMs on Facebook /Friends of St Mary’s Primary Dilwyn, to keep up-to-date with their latest events.
Current committee members are:
Chairpersons: Maria Powell and Laura Scrivens
Treasurer: Gill Coleman
Secretary: Emily Goodwin
FOSMs are registered with Easyfundraising, a scheme that donates to charitable causes as you shop online.
Please see the link below to register and start supporting the Friends of St Mary’s.