At St Mary’s CE Primary School, Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is underpinned by the ethos and values of our school and we uphold it as an entitlement for all our pupils. We believe that a church school should positively set standards of behaviour and morality which are informed by Christ’s teaching and not merely accept or reflect existing social and moral standards. The pupils will be encouraged to have due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life. We recognise the need to work as a whole school community to ensure a shared understanding of PSHE and RSE.
We aim to develop an understanding in our pupils of the biological, emotional, social, legal and moral aspects of sex and sexuality. We teach PSHE and RSE within the wider context of building self-esteem, emotional well-being, relationships and healthy lives beginning in the early years through to Year 6. The curriculum will be concerned with:
These skills will provide our children with the ability to make informed decisions, to stay healthy and safe and prepare them for life. It will create within them a strong sense of community and citizenship, which will in turn help them to lead happy and fulfilled lives, now and into the future.