St. Mary’s CE Primary School has been from its foundation a Church of England School that has always been open to children of all faiths or of no faith; and has responsibility for its own admissions. As a Free School, we commit to the adoption of practices and arrangements that are consistent or in accordance with the School Admissions Code and Appeals Code. We participate in the coordinated admission arrangements operated by Herefordshire Council.
Therefore all applications must be made through Herefordshire Council and with the school directly.
If you would like your child to attend St Mary’s CE Primary School, please contact Principal, Peter Kyles, and see our admissions arrangements below. You can complete the online admissions form below or download the admissions form and return to the school either by hand or email,
Please use this form to apply for your child’s place at St Mary’s CE Primary School. Forms will go directly to the school, you are welcomed to contact us to inform us of a submitted application form, although this is not a necessity. Please note that you must also apply directly to Herefordshire Council in addition to submitting this form. Please see our admissions policy for further guidance.