At St Mary’s we are strongly committed to safeguarding and child protection.
Each pupil’s welfare is of the utmost importance. We are committed to monitoring and listening to all of our pupils to identify possible problems. Where there are serious concerns we will share those concerns and work closely with the relevant authorities. Please see our safeguarding policy to see our responsibilities and processes.
Our principles include that:
We believe safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone; all staff, governors and volunteers play their part in keeping our children safe, and protecting them.
We place the child at the centre; thinking of the child and considering what life is like for them to maintain and uphold a culture of vigilance.
All of our staff, governors and volunteers have received training and therefor have a clear understanding of abuse and neglect in all forms, including how to identify, respond and report. This also includes the knowledge of the process for allegations against professionals.
If you have concerns for a child, don’t assume that someone else will take responsibility. If you are worried, report it.
Speak to the DSL or contact MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) or the Police.
See below contact details for various forms of help and our safeguarding policy:
01432 260800
8:45-5:15 (Monday-Friday)
01905 768020 (out of hours team when MASH are unavailable)
Terry Pilner 01432 261739
01432 260261
Other forms of help and advice can be found in the links below:
If you are a child, you can call Childline and speak to someone in confidence
0800 1111
0800 800 5000